Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Playing... the Anti-Aging Formula!

This is an article I recently wrote for Mom's in the Know, a great publication used by mom's in the Charleston, SC area. They have a lot of beneficial information that is constantly updated if you are interested in finding fun and entertaining things to do with your family in the Charleston and surrounding area!

Does aging really slow your metabolism down?

Have you heard that as you get older you lose muscle mass and your metabolism slows down making it easier to gain excess fat? We automatically attribute age with a slow metabolism but that is not completely true. Does everyone gain excess fat as they get older? Of course not. What if it is not a predetermined phase the body goes through but rather a change in how we act as we age, in particular how we play.
Fitness experts know that a person can improve muscle mass as an adult just as efficiently as a youngster; proving age vs metabolism to be incomplete. It may come down to the simple fact that as a child we enjoy our exercise and do it more often because we were playing just for the pure joy of it. As we age, exercise takes on new meaning and associations and we may feel we are forced to do it instead of wanting to do it.
Want to have an active lifestyle and a youthful body that you genuinely enjoy? Then act child-like! Run, climb, jump, hang, roll, bounce and cartwheel! But don't start trouble with your siblings. Forget how to play? If you have young children you have the template in front of you.
  Simon says, "watch an active, healthy child play and do what they do." Why?
-Inverting the body is a great way to improve digestion and circulation. 
-Hanging strengthens the wrists and reduces pain from chronic overuse for those who type a lot.
-Bouncing stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins and rolling in a ball helps the action of peristalsis, the unconscious contractions in the intestines that help move food through and then out of the body.
 Slow digestion, poor circulation, chronic repetitive movement pain, excess fat, a rapidly aging body and in the end metabolic syndrome is not a curse for all who age, just those who stop acting young when they play. You decide, not your metabolic clock.

There is another reason why playing like a child is so good for you. Kids play when they can, not just when they are in a playground and spreading the activity through the day has an accumulated net effect that can be greater than all at one go. 

Here is how it works:

  Run (not jog, kids don't jog,) jump, crawl... they are all bodyweight resistance movements that are proven to make the metabolism burn an increased amount of calories for an extended time past the actual workout. A 5 minute burst can give an hour of hyper-burn. So turn on your boosters for a 5 minute burst, four times a day and you can keep the metabolism at an accelerated rate longer, just like a child. It is an anti-aging formula.

  Find a game or activity you like to play that doesn't require a lot of tools or other people to depend on and enjoy! If you don't enjoy the activity you do... keep searching.

For some easy rejuvenation movements go to mywellnessmentor.com and follow the wellness calendar!

Wellness to you,


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