Thursday, January 23, 2014

21 days later... Are you still on fire?

Heap on a log that is too big and a fire can sputter and die. Start with small twigs and build up to bigger and bigger chunks of wood as the fire builds in intensity and soon enough even the biggest pieces burn. Has your dream of a healthier lifestyle this year caught fire?

Did you choose a log for a resolution? Are you sputtering or feeling overwhelmed? Didn't make any resolutions at all? Making lifestyle changes can be rewarding and natural if done at the right pace and with the right progression.

Here is how you can ignite a bonfire of lifestyle changes that will be motivating and compelling:

Chunk it Down

We don't start teaching our kids grade 12 algebra in kindergarten and white belts don't learn black belt techniques in martial arts. Why do we like to make resolutions that say things like, "I will never eat snacks again" or "I will work out every day" when we are snacking on a regular basis and haven't worked out for a month.

While it is true that a vehicle that is heading for a collision with a guardrail needs to make an abrupt and dramatic change in heading to avoid impact, too much of a change results in fish-tailing, a loss of control and a worse impact on the other side of the road. The obvious goal is to make a correction while not setting up for something worse as a result, right?

Condition Lifestyle Patterns

The best programs for wellness are irrelevant if they are not completed. It is all about lifestyle changes... not about losing weight. Getting rid of excess fat is a pleasant byproduct of living a healthier lifestyle and a healthier lifestyle must include the big three... mental, physical and nutritional conditioning.

Studies point to a greater chance of premature death and chronic disease in people who have unhealthy behaviors around the big three than being overweight on its own. In other words, although the body ages faster when overweight and will suffer from chronic ailments and pains, a body that is subjected to a poor diet, is physically sedentary and full of stress will suffer even more regardless of excess fat.

Repetition is the Mother of All Learning

It is natural human behavior to repeat what we do most often. That can happen over many years or over an intense immersion into repetition. Many believe that three weeks (21 days) can be a starting point for new patterns to take place. Although intensity and immersion make that a variable, it should be used as a minimum.

The Quantified Self

We live in an age where metrics are easily monitored. We always have a way to enter data into the cloud and therefore be able to track what works. Many people used to stubbornly cling to insanity; expecting a different result while not realizing they were just repeating the same things. I have seen many clients lose excess fat by simply consciously tracking calories. The more data about personal wellness we track the better the chances of avoiding the insanity of the weight-loss roller-coaster.

Plan not Working?

You are not wrong or broken. Just running with an insufficient plan for your needs. Care enough to try again? Try this 21 day program for improving health and wellness following the above protocol for FREE as my guest. Add it to your current healthy behaviors and challenge yourself to being consistent for 21 days. Here is what is included:

Wellness Resolution (1a)

This program is a compilation of 4 different individual programs that can be found in the "Complete Programs" list at

There is one 5 minute warmup video that gets repeated each day. This should be done first thing in the am. After 21 days your muscle memory will own it.
5 Minute Refreshments (#200)
For the first 7 days you will also get a progression of strength and coordination movements with a new one added on each day; these are then all repeated each day for the rest of the program.
7 Days of Rejuvenation (#700)
Wrap up your day by conditioning your mind with a breathing activity to remove stress, steady the mind and accept the wellness suggestions.
Master Your Breath, Master Your Mind (#801)
The more complex a diet the less likely it is to succeed! Build consistency by proving that you can follow this simple yet highly effective task of staying hydrated. Can you for 21 days? Only one way to find out.
Conscious Consumption - h2o (#900)
Your task each day over the length of this compilation (21 days):
  • Sign in to
  • Click on any active tabs
  • Follow lesson and click for credit
  • Use the message board to get or share ideas

There are no requirements for equipment other than a good internet connection, a good water bottle and a way to hold your mobile device in position to view if you are going to use one.

The physical movements are beginner level basics designed to just plain make you feel good! Side-effects include increased range and ease of motion, better posture, release of chronic tension and stronger muscles and bones.

Wrap up your day by conditioning your mind with a breathing activity to remove stress, steady the mind and accept the wellness suggestions.

When you open each tab, make sure to read the directions as additional information can be found such as recipes and bonus links.

Want to know what others are experiencing? Look under "Team Communication" for Wellness Resolution (1a) and get messages form anyone who has tried this program!

If you would like to join me you will receive the following:
* Complimentary membership to (regular $49.95)
* Calendar of programs and success charting
* Email reminders on active days of this program
* Follow the team and leave motivational notes to other members
* Access to more complimentary programs by more Wellness Mentors

Are you already a member of 

First make sure that you are signed in and then click Member Link to add the program to your calendar.

Not a member yet? Now is the time to start! 

To get your membership to click Non-Member Link (free membership) and build your profile now and be added to this team.

Yours in wellness,
