Sunday, March 9, 2014

Why "Finding the Void" means better health for you

Find the Void and Find Better Health

As a wellness mentor I get many opportunities to hear the struggles and triumphs of individuals who are on the path to better health. Although each story is unique, many share common threads; threads that bind each individual to the particular path they are on.

An example is the belief that one does not have enough information to live a healthier lifestyle successfully. While this may have been true decades ago when doctors still prescribed cigarettes as a great tool for relaxation, now enough sources have been shouting the basic truths on how to live a healthier lifestyle that anyone can guess the big 3 without any trouble... can you?
  1. If you are overweight... eat less. If you are underweight... eat more.
  2. If you feel chronically weak, have bad posture or get winded easily... exercise more.  
  3. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, moderate amounts of whole grains, nuts and seeds and drink plenty of clean, filtered water. 
There has not been a person yet that I have counseled that was not aware of the big 3. There is no credible study that has ever debunked the efficacy of the big 3. So what is the big struggle? Why do people continue to pay good money to have a professional tell them how to be healthier? Read on and find out. 

Don't think and get fit

More often than not the challenge is from having too much of the wrong information. This clouds the vision and confuses the mind. Our senses take in information from our environment that then get stored and replayed as patterns. Those then become our stories and those stories affect how we think, act and respond.

How do you know that you know that?

An expert in personal change technology and hypno-therapy, Dr. Patrick Porter had an incredibly powerful question he would ask his clients when they were telling their story on why they acted the way that they did; even when they no longer wanted to. He would ask, "How do you know that?"

The effect was dramatic. Eyes looked up as if searching the sky for the reason. When the reason was found (if it was) and it was verbalized, there was usually a contamination of the reason and it lost its power. This was because the reason was based on old and outdated information that was hidden from the conscious mind. Once held to the light there was a chance to change the story and therefore change how one would think, act and respond in the future.

Master your breath, master your mind

There is a place where that powerful question is automatically asked. Not a physical place but a mental space. A quiet, calm and clear space where the big 3 become obvious, intuitive and easy to act upon. And we can get there by using the simple act of breathing. Stay with me now dear reader.

Experience the void by watching this easy to follow video that uses the count of 6 to inhale fully, a 3 count hold and an 8 count to exhale. Relax completely upon exhalation and return your attention to the breath if your mind wanders to a story (it probably will.) Absorb the suggestions of wellness and notice how good you feel when it is done (6 minutes.)

You may find that you can remember to practice each day and get better and better at this technique and your ability to naturally follow the big 3 on a regular basis.  Better health is guarantied to follow.

** this video is part of a complete series of physical, nutritional and mental conditioning programs available at 

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